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Banner Pictures

By KR, 12/08/16, 5:15PM CST


Dec 18th 11 AM PI Arena

It is that time of year again!  We need to take the photos for the varsity banner. Dec 18th 11 AM at PI.
Matt Anderson (Payton’s dad) will be doing the banner for us this year.  

Captains will need to let players know what to wear.  Captain parents please discuss with your son so they know they need to communicate this.  In the past it has been their purple jersey, jeans and socks with their sticks and gloves.

Notes from Matt:

I'm planning on doing them in smaller groups to then place on the banner. 

I'm assuming we'll use the conference room, and I'll have lighting and a backdrop setup so we can get started as soon as people are there.

We'll do team banner photos first in several groups of 3-6, followed by seniors and captains. After that, anybody wanting line mate or buddy pictures can get those taken.

Attached is the brochure we came up with. I'm going to do all ordering online.